Monday, March 14, 2011
twenty and five
Posted by ashlan at 12:01 AM 1 comments
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Sweethearts 5K 2010

Even though I had been dealing with sevire IT band issues. I was just happy to finigh with 29:35
Posted by ashlan at 12:42 PM 0 comments
Monday, February 7, 2011
Posted by ashlan at 12:31 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Miami Marathon
Jodie and I hoped on a plane from SLC to LGB where we then got onto another plane to FLL. Aside from the creepy guy who wanted to buy my jacket off me and Jodie leaving her laptop on the first fight getting there wasn't to bad. We arrived about 5am. We got in a cab and headed to South Beach in hopes to check into our hotel early we only were just about killed 3 times by the driver that all..An hour to get a rental car and we were on our way. We hadn't had any sleep all night so we needed somehwere to crash. There was no way our room would be ready until 11am. We headed a few streets over to the beech to watch the sun rise and decide what to do...Luckly my great friend Dane let us come bombard his bed at 5am. Poor guy gets a text to let these crazy girls in his room. Jodie and I crashed for several hours.

Posted by ashlan at 11:53 AM 0 comments
Thursday, January 20, 2011
St. George Training Ride
I was so lucky to go to St. George and ride with others who area amazing riders. I have a long way to go. One thing I learned though is a true athlete is selfless. It was such an incredible experience. I am so grateful for great friend/coaches Chris, Moka, and Wes truly amazing people.
Chris already wondering what he has gotten himself into with Moka and I aka: PATRIARCH
I don't do well in cars I get bored fast;) aka: CL
We arrived kinda late so we needed to entertain. Moka aka: DG
Wes can eat! aka: GT (Gnome tits)
about 20 miles in we made it to Sand Hallow. This is where the swim for IM St George is....hmmm 2012...Just sayin...
The coolest cycling group!
56 mile bike ride rocked my world even if Chris literally pushed me for 30+ miles. We needed some food and let me tell you we ate a lot of food. Wes called his cute sister to join us. Boys she is single and supper cute!
Pizza Factory Dessert..I think so!
Posted by ashlan at 10:33 PM 1 comments