Tuesday, May 25, 2010

A little bit of this and that.....

Mommy needed a break so we jumped in the car and headed to sunny Vegas. It was so nice to get away and relax.

So I had to pay this man off to drive us there;)

The kids & Nick had a blast doing this....

While I sat and did that....

While Bronson did this...

I did more of that!

The kids liked to do this...

And no trip is complete without Ryker doing a little bit of that!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


I'm so lucky to know this darling little boy. Not only were his mommy and daddy in our ward in WX. One of Nicks best friends growing up was his nurse when he was at Primary's. They refer to him as handsome rob, we like to call him uncle Robby! I went and did the BIAU (Brain Injury Association of Utah) 5k today in honor of him. It amazes me daily what he had to do to fight to stay here with up. I also set a 5k pr 28:40. This was only the second 5k I have ever done, it was 11th overall so I was happy with that. It might sound slow to some but 5 months ago I couldn't run a mile without stopping to walk.

It was also Lincoln and Chris Anne's first 5k. I'm rubbing off on my family a little;)