I have been looking forward to this from the day I finished my triathlon in June. I love a little self competition and luckily I have my mom there that I can look to that keeps me going. I was excited to see if I could beet my time of 1:36:10 to see if I had made any improvements.
I am so proud of my mom she is amazing. She had really taken to not only hard core workouts but to come do these with me.
Last time we waited until everyone went because we were worried about our swim, this is what I struggle with most. So mom started about 7 minutes before I did. She was awesome and just kept right up with those in her time slot. I love being at the finish line to cheer her on those last few steps. I hope that in 20 years I am still doing triathlons like she is. This time it was different to have her there cheering me on at the finish since she started before me it was so fun! Plus we got a tape measure for all of our “labors” for finishing. We went over to see our results my mom’s was posted but my time wasn’t yet. We waited and waited still no time. We went to go load our stuff up and though we would come back once we got everything in the car to see if my time was up. We start walking out and they were announcing the winners for moms age group.
Gaylynn Broderick 1st Place for age division
Our mama is AMAZING!! Love her!!
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