First thing is first find the biggest coasters for Kennadee. This girl loves a thrill it was reall fun she could go on almost all the rides. Ryker is scared of everything including the characters. It was so hot but well worth the time. We were able to walk on almost every ride, we had to wait about 10 min. on a few and Kennadee was board. I don't know how people go during the busy season. We even ran into our old neighbors there, we had no idea they were going to be there so Kennadee thought that was pretty cool. Nick was our "fast pass runner" so we were able to do the whole park in one day!
Kennadee loved taking pictures with all the characters.
Ryker wanted to go on a coaster but was to small for all but the one in toon town.
I don't think he liked it to much.
At all the eating places there wereducks that would eat right out of your hand the kids thought this was great. We didn't need to spend any money they thought this was great.
Note to self :save some money take the kids to a pond and feed ducks.
It was a great day but man we were ready for bed the kids were both asleep before we drove out of the parking lot.
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